
Moon and Ahn Should Stop the Slander and Discuss Visions and Policies

2017.04.07 19:15 입력

The presidential candidates of all five parties in the National Assembly have been determined. But the parties and candidates are now busy tearing each other apart. The race has now transformed into one between Moon Jae-in, the Minjoo Party of Korea candidate, and Ahn Cheol-soo, the candidate of the People‘s Party, and both have increased attacks on each other. The People’s Party has been attacking Moon in their morning meetings, coining the expression, “Moon morning.” Yesterday, word had it that Ahn was connected to a gang. It is questionable as to whether the presidential election is an arena to see who can tear the opponent apart more brutally or a forum to compete with policies that will lead the nation into the future.

Verification of the candidates‘ ability and morality is essential. The recent allegations surrounding Moon should be thoroughly verified, and Moon should present a clear explanation. But the strong candidates only seem determined for power. We can’t see any vision or plans about how they will lead the nation and how they will be responsible for the lives of the citizens. They have pushed a battle of policies aside and seem to be immersed in attacking their opponents. Their responses to North Korea‘s nuclear program and the placement of the Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD) system, which can determine the fate of the nation, are not clear, and their measures to execute the future industry, the so-called fourth industrial revolution, are ambiguous. Yesterday, Moon visited Mokpo National University after visiting Gwangyang Steel Works, Mokpo New Port, and the May 18 National Cemetery in Gwangju and announced his measures to tackle the youth employment issue. Ahn met with citizens heading to work in a subway on Wednesday morning, and then test drove an electric car at KINTEX in Ilsan while discussing the fourth industrial revolution. A few words spoken to citizens on special occasions are being regarded as a policy debate. With the exception of the Justice Party, the comments released by the spokespersons for the parties and candidates are smothered in slander of their opponents.

Discussing policies is important in the upcoming presidential election, more than ever before. There are many issues concerning foreign affairs, security, economy and the lives of the citizens, while we only have a month left. In addition, the next president will have to begin tending to state affairs as soon as he or she is elected. The president will have to face pending issues amidst high expectations from the citizens and an adverse political terrain, in which the ruling party will be a minority and the opposition the majority. There is nothing more important than what policies the next president will implement. Without policies that have been modified and verified through debates, it is highly likely for the next president to face an immediate crisis.

Ahn Cheol-soo proposed a debate to the end to Moon. The Justice Party candidate Sim Sang-jeung also suggested a political union of those representing labor, welfare, the environment and peace. This is good. The candidates should compete with policies not with provocative slander. The candidates should let the voters choose from sustainable policies born after long consideration instead of improvised policies, which will end up in the trash as soon as the election is over. The candidates should not just unilaterally announce their policies, but compete by fiercely debating the details of their policies. Moon and Ahn, who are leading the presidential election, should also lead in such a policy debate.

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