“They Tend to Think It Is Happier to Live Alone” Na Kyung-won Criticizes MBC’s “I Live Alone”

2022.11.16 16:03 입력 Park Eun-kyung

Na Kyung-won, vice chairperson of the Presidential Committee on Aging Society and Population Policy

Na Kyung-won, vice chairperson of the Presidential Committee on Aging Society and Population Policy mentioned the MBC TV show, I Live Alone and said, “I think they tend to think that it is happier to live alone.”

Na appeared on the KBS radio show, Choi Gyeong-yeong’s Power Current Affairs on November 16 and spoke on the problems of an aging society and the low birth rate. She said, “Policies are important, but the most important thing is social perception.”

On the show, Na said, “I heard there was a program called I Live Alone,” and argued, “I think that they tend to think it is happier to live alone. We need to change our policies so that people will think that getting married and having children will make them happy, but I think it is a time that calls for all the media, religious groups, and social organizations to join in and promote such campaigns.”

As for the Office of the President banning MBC reporters on the presidential plane, Na asked, “Wasn’t it because of the report (on foul language) that damaged our national interest the last time?” and said, “There are not that many countries that emphasize and respect the freedom of the press as much as the Republic of Korea.”

She continued and asked, “Is the press of the Republic of Korea, indeed, aware of its responsibility? I suffered a lot because of MBC ahead of the parliamentary elections in 2020, because of the 45-minute show, Straight.”

From late 2019 until early 2020, Straight, an investigative journalism show on MBC, covered the efforts made by Na Kyung-won’s children to gain experiences and credentials to record in their resumes. At the time, Na refuted the reports accusing them of engaging in negative campaigning and said, “After the show was aired, I lost 10% of my supporters.”

As for a bid in the party convention, she said she would decide after observing the movements by other candidates and spared her words.

When the host mentioned the words of lawmaker Ahn Cheol-soo, that it would be difficult for Na to run in the party convention because she recently took on an important position, Na said, “I am working hard since the tasks that I have taken on at present, such as our response to the climate and population issues, are very important.” She further stressed, “The ruling party has to be successful for the people to trust us and the ruling party helping the president on issues that we can assist is also important.”

When the host asked, “If you must prioritize things, then the party doing well still comes first, doesn’t it?” Na said, “The party doing well is the foundation of all politics, so it is important,” and agreed that leading the party properly was important. She then said, “Since there are a lot of people right now wanting to lead the party, I will watch for now. If those candidates doing well is a better alternative, then that will be good.” She was careful and said, “So I plan to wait and see a little longer.”

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