“It Was Never Discussed” Ahn Cheol-soo on Talks of Joining Hands with Na Kyung-won

2022.12.26 17:31 입력 Mun Gwang-ho

People Power Party lawmaker Ahn Cheol-soo speaks at a party conference in Gyeongju-si, Gyeongsangbuk-do on December 22. Yonhap News

On December 26, People Power Party (PPP) lawmaker Ahn Cheol-soo dismissed the rumor that he and former lawmaker Na Kyung-won were banding together and said, “We have never discussed that issue, and Na Kyung-won already announced that there would be no alliance.”

Ahn, a PPP leader candidate, appeared on KBS radio on Monday morning and gave the answer when the host mentioned expectations of Ahn and Na joining hands if the two found some common ground and understood each other.

Some experts predicted that Na, who is regarded as a party leader candidate but has yet to clearly announce her bid, would stand in solidarity with other candidates, such as Kim Gi-hyeon or Ahn Cheol-soo. On December 19, Na released a statement on her position to the press and said, “I have no intention to stand in so-called ‘solidarity’ with anyone currently mentioned as a candidate or who is preparing to make a bid for party leader.”

Ahn urged Na to state her position on the upcoming party convention. He said, “I hope she will run (in the party leader election),” and added, “If she runs, our party members will have a wider range of choices, and it will also be a good opportunity to identify the composition of our party members.” He said he felt the same way about former lawmaker Yoo Seong-min and added, “If he runs (in the election for party leader), I believe it will draw a lot of attention to our party’s convention.”

However, Ahn did not welcome the “kimjang solidarity,” the union of lawmakers Kim Gi-hyeon and Chang Je-won. Ahn said, “I don’t think it (kimjang union) is desirable,” and argued, “I think we should discuss each individual candidate’s strategy to win in the parliamentary elections and to talk about their vision for party reforms first.”

Ahn also said, “I do not owe anyone anything, and I am certain I can recommend them (candidates for the parliamentary election) fairly according to their abilities.” He continued and said, “When someone who has made several bids in the party convention run, they tend to cut off the most competent people in order to nominate people they are indebted to, and that is not right.”

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