Moon Jae-in, “Build a Powerful Nation with Humble Power”

2017.05.11 19:06 입력 2017.05.11 19:07 수정 Sohn Je-min

On May 10, President Moon Jae-in said, “From this day on, I will become the president of all the people. Each and every one of the people who did not support me is also my people and our people.”

This day, at the inauguration of the nineteenth president held at Rotender Hall in the National Assembly, Moon addressed the nation and said, “Today, May 10, 2017 will be recorded in history as the beginning of true national integration.” He presented integration as the first agenda.

Moon then said, “I will become a lowly person, humble power and create the most powerful nation.” After the brief inaugural ceremony, he went straight to tackle Cheong Wa Dae affairs.

The “Gwanghwamun President” Passing by Gwanghwamun: President Moon Jae-in leans out of the car and waves to the cheering citizens on his way to Cheong Wa Dae after being sworn in as president at the National Assembly on May 10. Gang Yun-jung

Moon said, “Right now, my heart is burning with a passion to create a country that we have never experienced before. My mind is full of a blueprint to open a new world of integration and coexistence.” He also said, “I will boldly break away from the improper practices of the old era. I will eradicate the authoritarian culture surrounding the president.”

Moon said, “I will step out of the current Cheong Wa Dae and open an era when the president works in Gwanghwamun as soon as preparations are complete. I will discuss issues with my aides, head to head, shoulder to shoulder. I will become a president who constantly communicates with the people.”

President Moon also said he would visit the U.S., China and Japan and hurry to resolve the security crisis on the Korean Peninsula. He said, “If necessary, I will fly straight to Washington, Beijing and Tokyo. If it is possible, I will even go to Pyongyang. I will do everything I can to secure peace on the Korean Peninsula.”

Moon also said he would break the link between politics and business by reforming the chaebol and setting out to solve the problem of irregular temporary workers.

The first order Moon gave was to establish a committee on jobs directly under the president. Cheong Wa Dae announced that President Moon would chair this committee, which will be created to execute his pledge to create 810,000 jobs in the public sector, and the prime minister will be the vice chair.

This day, Moon met with Prime Minister Hwang Kyo-ahn for a luncheon at Cheong Wa Dae. Hwang told the president that the entire cabinet including Hwang would resign, and the president said he would determine whether or not to accept the letters of resignation after considering the need for a cabinet meeting.

Since there are issues, which require the decision by the cabinet, such as changes to the Cheong Wa Dae secretary office, it will be inevitable for Moon to work with the cabinet of the former government, even if it is for a short time. President Moon is expected to hold his first cabinet meeting as early as May 11.

Earlier, the National Election Commission confirmed the election of President Moon Jae-in at 8:09 a.m. this day.

The commission announced that Moon received 13,423,800 of the votes, which account for 41.08% of the total votes. Hong Jun-pyo of the Liberty Korea Party trailed by 5,570,951 votes with 7,852,849 votes. Moon won by the biggest margin, one even bigger than the margin in the 2007 election, when Lee Myung-bak of the Grand National Party defeated Chung Dong-young of the United New Democratic Party by 5,317,708 votes.

- The “Gwanghwamun President” Passing by Gwanghwamun: President Moon Jae-in leans out of the car and waves to the cheering citizens on his way to Cheong Wa Dae after being sworn in as president at the National Assembly on May 10. Gang Yun-jung

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