IU and Han Ji-min honored on Finance Day

2023.10.25 17:30 입력 Yoo Hee-kon

Singer and actress IU (left) and actress Han Jimin

Singer and actress IU (Lee Ji-eun, 30) and actress Han Ji-min (41) were commended for their contributions to financial development.

Twelve people including IU and five organizations received the presidential citation at the 8th Finance Day ceremony held at 63 Convention Center in Yeouido, Seoul on October 24. The Financial Services Commission explained that IU contributed to the spread of a sound wealth-building culture through steady savings and investment and that she continued to actively make donations.

Twenty-four people including Han Jimin and three organizations received the prime minister’s citation. Han was selected as a recipient for spreading sound financial awareness to others by honestly managing her assets and for actively engaging in volunteer work and donations.

The Iron Tower Order of Industrial Service Merit was awarded to Kim Dae-hwan, CEO of Somansa, and the Seongnyu Medal Order of Civil Merit was awarded to Min Eun-mi of the Korea Asset Management Corporation (KAMCO). Kim was recognized for establishing a company specializing in information protection, developing data protection technology, and creating a safe digital environment for finance. Min contributed to a debt settlement program for small business owners and the self-employed and to the launch of the New Start Fund.

Tuesday, 191 awards were presented in the categories of innovative finance, inclusive finance, and savings and investment. The nation has been celebrating Finance Day as a statutory holiday since 2016 when it expanded and rearranged Savings Day, celebrated since 1964.

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