Woo Sang-ho “He Sent the Text Because He Was Happy after Getting Rid of Lee Jun-seok. Is There Any Hope in Such a President?”

2022.07.28 16:27 입력 2022.07.28 16:28 수정
Kim-Yun Na-yeong

Woo Sang-ho, chairperson of the Democratic Party of Korea’s emergency committee speaks at a committee meeting at the National Assembly on July 25. National Assembly press photographers

Woo Sang-ho, chairperson of the Democratic Party of Korea’s emergency committee speaks at a committee meeting at the National Assembly on July 25. National Assembly press photographers

On July 27, Woo Sang-ho, chair of the Democratic Party of Korea’s emergency committee criticized President Yoon Suk-yeol and asked, “Does the Republic of Korea have so much spare time that the president can text a message to the acting party leader just because he was happy to have gotten rid of the previous party leader?” He mentioned President Yoon’s text message to acting leader and floor leader of the People Power Party (PPP) Kweon Seong-dong from the previous day, which described PPP leader Lee Jun-seok as a “party leader who used to gun down members” and criticized the president after the details of the text message was released to the public.

This day, in an emergency committee meeting at the National Assembly, Woo said, “The text message of acting PPP leader Kweon Seong-dong at the parliamentary session yesterday was very shocking.” He went on to state, “I had long argued that the removal of Lee Jun-seok was a collaboration of President Yoon and his key aides (a.k.a. Yoonhaekgwan), and the text confirmed that fact.”

Woo said, “The president once relied on Lee Jun-seok and begged for the votes of young people, but now he got rid of that very young party leader claiming he was attacking members of his own party. I felt that politics was cruel as I witnessed the hypocrisy of such a president and his key aides.”

He continued and said, “I am skeptical as to whether there is indeed any hope in such a president. Since the president is interested in matters like this, it’s no wonder that the people’s livelihood and the economy are facing greater challenges.” He added, “It is not sensible for the president to be deeply involved in the PPP power struggle.”


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