A Very Special Graduation Certificate; Mother living as hands and feet for a paralytic son for nine years in college life

2011.02.22 16:54

A Very Special Graduation Certificate; Mother living as hands and feet for a paralytic son for nine years in college life

Ms. Lee Won-ok, 65, right, with a satisfied facial expression, looks on her son, Shin Hyung-jin, 28, who is going to graduate from Yonsei University on Monday, Feb 28, 2011. While Shin, nicknamed 'Stephen Hawking of Yonsei', took classes for nine years, his mother was always with him in the classroom. President Kim Hanjoong of Yonsei University will confer an honorary graduation certificate upon Lee to pay homage to her devotion to the son.

Shin suffered from a rare disease with which his sinews all over his body dry up and benumbed 7 months after his birth. Ever since he was admitted to Yonsei University in 2002 as a computer science student, each day he lived was a series of challenge. Shin could not take 6 or 7 courses as other normal students did, and taking notes itself was not easy in class because his hands became stiff.

He took only two to three courses each semester, and for the purpose of writing reports for courses. he used eyeball mouse with which the personal computer works by reading the movement of the eyes.

His mother drove him to the campus all the nine years, and wrote down the contents of lectures for him, which might be even hard for other normal students, too. Sometimes it took her son six hours to take an exam, when it took other students just one hour. In 2005, Shin once experienced respiratory difficulties, and had to take a long-term rest. However, these difficulties did not discourage mother and son's aspiration for studies.

Shin will be awarded an honorary graduation certificate on Feb 28, when commencement ceremony is held for undergraduates. Authorities at Yonsei say that honorary certificate will be issued for the first time in the school's history. Mother and son will soon invite those who assisted them in their study to express their heartfelt appreciation.

Photo by Yonsei University
Story rewritten by Seol Wontai, Editor of Online Edition


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