Price of Shine Muscat continues to fall due to increase in production and decrease in quality

2024.04.25 18:32
Kim Hyun-soo

Shine Muscat. Courtesy of Gyeongsangbuk-do

Shine Muscat. Courtesy of Gyeongsangbuk-do

The price of Shine Muscat, which was once called “luxurious grapes” and loved by many consumers, continues to fall. In North Gyeongsang Province, a region where grapes are mainly produced, there are concerns that low-quality Shine Muscat may be distributed in large quantities again because this year’s Chuseok holiday is earlier than usual.

According to the North Gyeongsang provincial government on April 24, the average wholesale transaction price of 2 kilograms of Shine Muscat at the Garak market last year was 10,896 won. Compared to that of 2020 (22,454 won) and of 2021 (20,486 won), the price has dropped by about half. The price of Shine Muscat began to plummet in 2022, recording 12,107 won.

The main reason is an increase in production and a decrease in quality. According to data from the Korea Rural Economic Institute, the estimated domestic cultivation area increased 24-fold from 278 hectares in 2016 to 6576 hectares last year. Prices have fallen as supply has increased significantly than demand. Deterioration in quality also contributed to the price crash. This is because farmers increased production per unit area to increase yields, or harvested and shipped grapes that were not ripe enough to meet the demand for the Chuseok holiday.

An official from the Gyeongsangbuk-do Agricultural Research & Extension Services said, “If grapes of giant varieties are produced more than 2.5 tons per 300 pyeong, they will not be ripened well, and the sugar content will decrease and the skin will be tough," adding, “In 2022, there were many farms that produced up to 4 to 5 tons.” The Gimcheon Agricultural Technology Center said many of the Shine Muscat produced in the open field were shipped prematurely.

At that time, the Chuseok holiday was September 10, which was 12 to 22 days earlier than that in 2021 (September 21) and 2020 (October 1). Shine Muscat produced in the open field is usually harvested from late September to early and mid-October for its high sugar content and good flavor.

Locals are concerned that this year's Chuseok holiday (September 17) is also 12 days earlier than last year's, which could lead to the release of low-quality Shine Muscat into the market. The cultivation area of grapes in North Gyeongsang Province is 8,203 hectares, accounting for 56 percent of Korea's total (14,655 hectares). Of these, 4,878 hectares are devoted to Shine Muscat, accounting for 80 percent of the total (6,067 hectares).

In order to produce high-quality Shine Muscat, about 13 fruit branches per 1 meter of a main branch and only one bunch (700 grams) of grapes per branch should be placed through bud thinning and cluster thinning in spring. In addition, the fruit should be harvested when they reach the proper harvest period after 120 days or more of sufficient growth period after grapes come into bearing.

Cho Young-sook, head of the Gyeongsangbuk-do Agricultural Research & Extension Services, said, "Even in this year’s Chuseok is earlier than usual, we are encouraging farmers to maintain the quality of grapes produced in the province by harvesting the proper amount of grapes and keeping the right timing of the harvest."

※This article has undergone review by a professional translator after being translated by an AI translation tool.


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