Applications for reissuance of passports now available on bank apps

2024.06.18 18:12
Joo Young-jae

Gimpo Airport's international departure hall is crowded with passengers. By Kim Chang-gil

Gimpo Airport's international departure hall is crowded with passengers. By Kim Chang-gil

Applications for reissuance of passports, which were only available on public websites, apps, and district offices, can also be made on private apps. It will also be possible to borrow books from public libraries and report lost items through private apps.

The Ministry of the Interior and Safety and the Presidential Committee on the Digital Platform Government announced on June 17 that it allowed 11 public services, including applications for reissuance of passports and reports of lost items, to be available in private services, such as Naver and Kakao.

Currently, nine services, including ticket reservation of KTX or SRT, car inspection reservation, National Arboretum reservation, National Natural Recreation Forest reservation, and Culture Nuri Card, are already available on Naver, Kakao T, Toss, and KB Star Banking, and eleven new services have been added.

The public services added are "Application for Reissuance of Passports" (KB Star Banking), "Book Joint Service" (Naver, KB Star Banking, Woori WON Banking), "Reporting Lost Items" (Woori WON Banking, Shinhan SOL Pay), "Application for Military Service Determination Inspection" (Woori WON Banking), "Reserve Force Mobilization Training Inquiry" (Woori WON Banking, KB Star Banking), "Reporting Student Loan Debtor" (Woori WON Banking, Wello), and "Reporting Uncomfortable Electric Vehicle Chargers" (Kakao T and Kakao Navi). "Reservation for National Forests of the Korea Forest Service" (Shinhan SOL Bank), "Reservation for National Ecological Center" (Shinhan SOL Bank, KB Star Banking), "Reservation for Penalty Reduction Education" (KB Star Banking), and "Rejection of Phone Consignment Sales" (Kakao Pay) are also available on private apps. Student loan debtor reports will be available from the 3rd of next month, and the rest of the services will be available from the 17th.

Passport reissuance applications have been made possible only by visiting government 24 websites or local governments’ passport civil service offices, but from now on, citizens aged 18 and older who have been issued e-passports can apply for reissuance through the KB Star Banking app and receive it at the local government they want. A person can use the service without a Kookmin Bank account and the issuance fee and the period of issuance are the same.

Meanwhile, the government is promoting 220 public services to be available on private apps by 2026. The first nine services were opened in September last year and 11 were opened on the day.

※This article has undergone review by a professional translator after being translated by an AI translation tool.


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