
Film, Another Promise: Will It Become Another 10-Million-Viewer Film?

2014.02.11 14:32
Gim Gyeong-hak

Another film based on a true story following the film, The Attorney released in theaters on February 6. The film was Another Promise, which tells the story of the late Hwang Yu-mi, who died of leukemia while working at a Samsung Electronics semiconductor factory.

■ "Daddy will avenge your death, I promise."

Han Sang-gu (played by actor Park Chol-min) is a taxi driver in Sokcho, Gangwon Province. With a wife, a daughter and a son, he is an ordinary father with a loving family.

Due to the family's pressing financial situation, Sang-gu's daughter Yunmi (played by actress Park Hee-jeong) gets a job at Jinseong Electronics immediately after she graduates from high school. Sang-gu is proud of Yunmi for she has joined "the best company in the Republic of Korea."

[Review] Film, Another Promise: Will It Become Another 10-Million-Viewer Film?

However, less than two years since Yunmi began working at Jinseong, she gets diagnosed with leukemia. Lee, a human resources manager at Jinseong Electronics visits Sang-gu's family, concerned with the medical bills in their trying situation, and suggests that Yunmi leave the company. Lee hands over 10 million won mentioning that it was collected by Yunmi's peers at work and says, "Don't apply for occupational accident insurance."

Lee then says that the company will give the family 40 million won more if Yunmi puts her thumbprint on the letter of resignation, but the family is unable to contact him after that. Sang-gu, frustrated, leaves a message in Lee's voice mail, "If you don't answer, we'll apply for the occupational accident insurance." Shortly afterwards, Lee visits the hospital Yunmi is in and hands over 5 million won. Witnessing this, Yunmi cries out to Sang-gu, telling him not to receive the money, and Sang-gu throws the 5 million won check at Lee.

With the lack of money to pay the medical bills, Yunmi's health deteriorates and eventually she falls. Yunmi dies with her eyes open in the backseat of Sang-gu's taxi as he heads for the hospital. Sang-gu tells Yunmi, "Daddy will avenge your death, I promise."

■ The story of a family maturing

[Review] Film, Another Promise: Will It Become Another 10-Million-Viewer Film?

Sang-gu passes a glass of soju to Yunmi who has been recruited by the "number one company in the Republic of Korea." His wife, Jeong-im (played by actress Yun Yu-sun) tries to stop him saying, "What are you doing giving a child a drink?" but Sang-gu says his daughter is now all grown up and passes the glass. Yun-mi receives the glass and empties it in a gulp. As one can see in this scene, this film does not tell the coming-of-age story of Yun-mi. Yun-mi is already a mature character.

Those who grow in this movie are the other members in Yun-mi's family. Yun-mi once slights Sang-gu saying, "Dad, you don't know anything." But after Yun-mi dies, Sang-gu studies to win the fight against Jinseong.

Jeong-im, who earlier suggests that they end the battle after receiving a settlement from Jinseong, also grows. Jeong-im, who found it difficult to bear the neighbors talking about her family--"They say her husband goes to Seoul to take part in demonstrations," "He's become a red,"--tries to persuade Sang-gu to end the battle. But she changes her mind once she reads the diary that Yun-mi had kept before she died. The last words Yun-mi wrote in her diary were, "If I am born again, I want to be born as the mother of Mom and Dad." The film portrays not only Yun-mi's family, but "another family," the victim's family maturing.

■ "I wish our company would do really well."

Usually, the characters in court movies are portrayed in black and white; they are either good or bad. Another Promise, which is also a court film, adds depth to the story by introducing a character named Gim Gyo-ik (played by actor Lee Geung-young).

[Review] Film, Another Promise: Will It Become Another 10-Million-Viewer Film?

Searching for an employee who would testify in court, Sang-gu pleads with the employees going to work at the entrance of the semiconductor plant. However, they all head for the factory without even giving Sang-gu a glance. Later, three buses owned by Jinseong Electronics create a triangle and surrounds Sang-gu. Sang-gu, caught in a tower of "three gigantic fortresses" drops to his feet. That is when Gyo-ik approaches him.

Gyo-ik is the head of engineers at the semiconductor plant who has given his youth to Jinseong Electronics and who has a deep affection for the company. Gyo-ik also gets sick, but he does not blame the company. Rather, he's grateful saying that he was able to raise his kids thanks to the company. Then why would such a person give Sang-gu a helping hand?
The answer is revealed later in the film. An employee who worked in Gyo-ik's team testifies about what he knows in court. And the HR manager Lee, who was listening in the audience, leaves the courtroom with a frown on his face. The employee on the witness stand tearfully cries out, "I wish my company would do really well. That is why I came here!" This scene is one of the most powerful scenes in Another Promise, which progresses rather calmly throughout the film.

The employee who testified in court and Gyo-ik, who introduced him, act the way they do in hopes that the company they truly cherish and love would do better. Can their "sincere voices" change Jinseong into a better company? The story in the film is ongoing in reality.

■ More than 10 million viewers?

[Review] Film, Another Promise: Will It Become Another 10-Million-Viewer Film?

Last year was a historic year for the Korean film industry, because for the first time in history, the number of people who visited movie theaters surpassed 200 million. The Attorney was last year's finale. Some say it's a miracle that The Attorney was able to sell more than 11 million tickets at the box office.

When a survey asked the audience why they watched The Attorney, the most common answer was because, "It was a film about a real person and a true story." If so, then Another Promise, which is also based on actual people and events, will also grab the audience's attention. As if to reflect such a preference, the film was third in ticket reservations as of February 7 according to the Korean Film Council's integrated computer network. It also received high ratings by netizens in major web portals such as Naver (average rating 9.33) and Daum (9.7).

However, we cannot be too hasty in expecting the film to attract more than 10 million people like The Attorney. First, there are few "fiery" elements which leave the audience feeling gratified as in The Attorney. Also there was no "inspirational performance" of Song Kang-ho in this film. Moreover, there is a big difference in the number of screens releasing this film compared with The Attorney. In other words, this film is standing at a different starting line. Thus it had been at the center of controversy concerning external pressure even before it was released because the number of screens was small compared to the film's high ratings and popularity in ticket reservations.

Jinseong constantly shows the power of capital throughout the film. When Sang-gu refuses the settlement and says he will apply for the occupational accident insurance, Lee smiles and says, "Who do you think is feeding the people of the Republic of Korea? If you fight, who do you think is going to win?"

When Director Kim Tae-yoon, who wrote the screenplay and directed the film, first planned this film, his acquaintances tried to stop him asking who would invest money in such a film. But the film was miraculously completed with donations from more than 7,000 people and the power of individual investors. Will it be able to create another miracle and attract more than 10 million viewers? The film is not appropriate for children under the age of twelve.


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