
President's Speech on National Liberation Day Full of Excuses and Blame, But No Vision

2016.08.16 14:12

Yesterday, in her speech on the 71st anniversary of national liberation, President Park Geun-hye said, "We should newly establish a future-oriented relationship with Japan while facing our history." She criticized domestic politicians and labor for raising an issue with the placement of the Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD) system, rather than present new measures against North Korea for the peace and stability of the Korean Peninsula. She failed to say a word to Japan, which refuses to reflect on its past, and simply sharpened her blade against those in Korea who have criticized her policies. We cannot hide our disappointment at the president's awareness of the situation, so distant from that of the citizens.

President Park Geun-hye gives a congratulatory speech on the 71st anniversary of national liberation at the Sejong Center for the Performing Arts, Seoul on the morning of August 15.  / Cheong Wa Dae press photographers

President Park Geun-hye gives a congratulatory speech on the 71st anniversary of national liberation at the Sejong Center for the Performing Arts, Seoul on the morning of August 15. / Cheong Wa Dae press photographers

The president only used one sentence to mention South Korea's relationship with Japan. Despite that Japan's Shinzo Abe government is veering to the far right, regarding amendments to the Peace Constitution as a matter of course, the president simply called for a future-oriented relationship. Her words go against her speech on March 1, 2013 when she said, "The historical position as perpetrator and victim cannot change even if a thousand years may pass." This year's message was also different from last year's in which she said, "I would like to focus on the fact that Japan expressed that they would firmly uphold the position of previous (Japanese) cabinets of apology and reflection." The president simply failed to mention the comfort women issue, currently stirring controversy for the government's one-sided agreement with Japan. It is doubtful whether the president will be able to lead the nation to normal relations with Japan with such inconsistent messages.

The president also supported the distorted perception of history held by the right wing, which sees 1948 as the year of the founding of our nation. This is derogatory of those who sacrificed their lives for national independence. We express our regrets that the president, who should be committed to seeking national unity, is sending cracks through the nation by taking sides in a heated debate on the legitimacy of the government. What is more surprising is her attitude towards her critics and her perception of South Korea's socio-economic situation. Park said, "From some time ago, there has spread a sour trend amongst us that describes the Republic of Korea in a negative light. People deny our great contemporary history and coin new words belittling the Republic of Korea, which the world envies, as a difficult place to live." She mentioned that a culture following the “law of the masses” was prevalent along with personal attacks on the opponent and said that those people were fueling social confusion. We find ourselves speechless at how the president could think that even the expression "Hell Joseon," an expression used by young people, frustrated due to unemployment amidst social inequality, to criticize their reality fuels social chaos. The president accused those justly criticizing her shortcomings of intentionally finding fault with her policies and fueling division. Her lack of creativity, simply repeating policies similar to the economic development of the past dictatorship, is pathetic.

It was also disappointing to see her repeat her position that the North Korean nuclear program was unacceptable without any fresh alternatives. The government's goal is to denuclearize the North. But even given this fact, failing to even suggest a reunion of separated families is denying the government's promise to continue humanitarian efforts and is declaring that it will give up on any progress in inter-Korean relations. The president failed to give a convincing explanation on the placement of the Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD) system, and was irresponsible, asking politicians to present an alternative if there was one.

The president's speech on National Liberation Day is very important for it usually conveys a vision of and a message on the reunification of the Korean Peninsula and Northeast Asian affairs. There has been no precedent in which the president filled the speech, heard by the nation and our neighboring countries, with excuses and criticism of her opponents as Park did yesterday. It is truly unfortunate that the citizens had to listen to such a speech, which will inevitably be regarded as the worst ever.


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