Improvements in Inter-Korean Relations

South Korea to Focus on Mediating "Exploratory Talks" Between North Korea and the United States

2018.02.13 17:41
Yu Shin-mo

[Improvements in Inter-Korean Relations] South Korea to Focus on Mediating "Exploratory Talks" Between North Korea and the United States

As the North Korean high-level delegation concludes their visit to South Korea, Cheong Wa Dae and the South Korean government are expected to concentrate on mediating talks between North Korea and the U.S. The government will now work toward the initial vision they had of taking advantage of North Korea's participation in the PyeongChang Winter Olympics to ease tensions on the Korean Peninsula and to secure a platform for talks between North Korea and the U.S. In particular, Chung Eui-yong, head of the Cheong Wa Dae National Security Office is expected to visit the U.S. to share the results of the meeting with North Korea's senior delegation and to discuss future responses.

On February 12, a government official mentioned the mood within the U.S. and said, "There is a mix of hardliners calling for a preemptive strike on North Korea and of those in favor of dialogue calling for talks between North Korea and the U.S." He added, "President Donald Trump is not giving up on 'maximum pressure on North Korea,' but he does seem interested in listening to North Korea's story even with the pressure ongoing."

In fact, unlike inter-Korean relations, there is no sign of visible change in the relationship between Pyongyang and Washington. North Korea has not shown any progress in denuclearization and U.S. Vice President Mike Pence, who attended the PyeongChang Olympics, not once met eyes with the North Korean delegation. This day U.S. Defense Secretary James Mattis (photo) said, "Clearly it's too early to say if this뾲his뾲hat if using the Olympics as a non뾳sing the Olympics in a way to reduce tension, if that's going to have any traction once the Olympics are over."

Still, it is true that North Korea's participation in the Olympics has increased the likelihood of talks between North Korea and the U.S. Josh Rogin, a columnist for the Washington Post introduced an interview of Vice President Pence aboard Air Force Two on his return from the PyeongChang Olympics on February 11 and wrote, "...behind the scenes real progress was made toward a new diplomatic opening that could result in direct talks without preconditions between Washington and Pyongyang." Vice President Pence shared two substantive conversations with President Moon Jae-in and Rogin conveyed, "the United States and South Korea agreed on terms for further engagement with North Korea뾣irst by the South Koreans and potentially with the United States soon thereafter."

Therefore, the South Korean government is expected to concentrate on diplomacy, on supporting the Americans in favor of dialogue and facilitate the U.S. to engage in "exploratory" talks with North Korea. President Moon is expected to call President Trump soon. There is also the possibility of the head of Cheong Wa Dae's National Security Office Chung to contact Herbert McMaster, White House National Security Advisor, or to visit the U.S. and discuss responses with the White House.

A government official said, "It is urgent for us to share with the U.S., in detail, the discussions with North Korea's senior delegation and to strengthen communication between Seoul and Washington. We need to have North Korea and the U.S. hold their 멷xploratory


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