Justice Minister Han Dong-hoon said the Special Prosecutor Act for Kim Keon-hee is a "bad law”

2023.12.20 17:27 입력 2023.12.22 18:05 수정
Mun Gwang-ho, Jo Mun-hui

Justice Minister Han Dong-hoon walks into the National Assembly's main building to appear before a plenary session of the National Assembly's Legal Affairs and Judiciary Committee on Sept. 19.  Park Min-kyu

Justice Minister Han Dong-hoon walks into the National Assembly's main building to appear before a plenary session of the National Assembly's Legal Affairs and Judiciary Committee on Sept. 19. Park Min-kyu

Justice Minister Han Dong-hoon claimed on December 19 that the Special Prosecutor Act for First Lady Kim Keon-hee is “a bad law that was created at a good timing for the main opposition Democratic Party to make propaganda in the upcoming general election next year." Regarding Kim's alleged acceptance of luxury bags, he said, "Isn't it true that the video was recorded by a hidden camera for political maneuvering?” It is interpreted that he expressed his willingness to act as a guard for President Yoon Suk-yeol by defending Kim at a time when he is considered a possible candidate for the emergency committee leader of the ruling People's Power Party (PPP). His remarks as justice minister are also expected to be controversial in that they can serve as a guideline for the investigation into Kim.

When reporters asked about his stance on the special prosecutor act, Han said, "First, there should be no exception before the law. It should be done like that even in the eyes of the public. However, the bill also includes poisonous clauses that allow the Justice Party to recommend and decide on an investigation conducted by special prosecutors and live-stream the investigation online.” He added, "I think such a bad law should be considered within the parliamentary process as there is a problem that violates the people's legitimate right to choose."

Kim’s special prosecutor investigation, which has been on fast track, is focused on her involvement in stock price manipulation. The opposition parties can recommend two candidates to the president. If the president does not exercise his right of veto, a team of special prosecutors will be organized at the end of January next year and begin the investigation in mid-February. The special prosecutor act will be automatically presented at the plenary session after December 22. The opposition parties plan to bring it to the plenary on the 28th.

When asked about Kim's alleged acceptance of a luxury bag, Han questioned the reporter’s intention to ask, saying, "I heard that the Democratic Party has been telling reporters to ask me that question." He added, "I don't know why they think I'll get in trouble if I’m asked such a question. The Democratic Party seems to think that I feel just like them because they are busy defending their leader Lee Jae-myung."

He also said, "Voice of Seoul, which recorded the video with a hidden camera, has filed a complaint against President Yoon and his wife, and I think the investigation will be carried out in accordance with the law and principles." Earlier, Han avoided answering reporters’ questions related to the issue at the National Assembly on December 6, saying “I don’t know much about it.”

When asked about being mentioned as a candidate for the leader of PPP’s emergency committee, Han said, "I don't think it's a matter to tell you publicly because I didn't receive any proposals from the party." And about the criticism that he is an "avatar of President Yoon," Han said, "I have lived my public life with one standard in mind, which is to think of the public good, and I have never been and will never be an avatar of anyone.”

※This article has undergone review by a professional translator after being translated by an AI translation tool.


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